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Fittest in Madison

Check in at 7 - 7:30 AM on June 17th, 2023

Athlete Meeting at 7:30 AM in the Community Center Lobby
First workout begins at 8:00 AM with a rolling schedule and scheduled breaks

Divisions: Novice and Open 
 - Novice athletes will perform that same workouts at open athletes but at a scaled weight

General Information:
 - Before each workout begins judges will demonstrate the exercises and questions can be asked
 - Each workout will start with novice athletes and then followed by open athletes
 - Chalk will be provided for the necessary workouts
 - To claim the title of "Fittest in Madison" athletes must compete in the Open Division
 - This event is free to spectators and we would love for family and friends to cheer on their athletes

Register at the front desk at the Community Center or call 605-256-5837
For any questions please email

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