Advisory Board
The Advisory Board consists of nine members, 5 appointed by the City of Madison and 4 appointed by DSU. This board is established by the Cooperative Use Agreement between DSU and the City of Madison to advise the use and operation of the facility and for budgeting the expenses and revenues of the Community Center. The Cooperative Use Agreement, signed in January of 2000, also establishes the Budget & Personnel Committee, which comprises of the DSU President, DSU VP Business & Admin Services, Mayor, and City Finance Officer. This committee finalizes budget recommendations from the Governing Board and oversees certain personnel actions.
Board Members

Brooke Rollag
After School Program, Facilities Committee

David Moe
Membership & Marketing Committee

Eric Anderson
After School Program, Budget Committee

Jena Martin
At-Large Executive Committee, Membership & Marketing

Jennifer Hasleton
Secretary & Treasurer

Leslie Stover
Budget Committee, Membership & Marketing Committee

Mike Ham
Board Member

Mike McGillivray
President, Membership & Marketing

Nick Bird
Budget Committee